Stamps on Stamps
by Richard “Pete” Peterson
Want to expand your stamp collecting horizons? Start collecting postage stamps that depict stamps. Yes, you heard me, stamps on stamps. Here is a list of countries and Scott Stamp Catalog numbers for postage stamps that depict postage stamps. This list was compiled from the magazine, Scott Stamp Monthly, January to December 2006.
- Antigua: 2839a
- Australia: 2422
- Azerbiajan: 804-807, 804a-807a, 804b-807b
- Belgium: 2119
- Belize: 1199-1202, 1202a
- Bolivia: 1254
- Bosnia & Herzegovina: 509
- Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croatia): 151c, 151e
- Bulgaria: 4375-4378
- Canada: 2119
- Cuba: 4490-4492, 4537-4538, 4540-4543, 4543a
- Cyprus: 1048-1049
- Dominica: 2548, 2571, 2573
- Ecuador: 1735
- French Southern & Antarctic Territories: 360
- Gambia: 2965, 2967c, 2970-2972, 2972a
- Gibralter: 1026
- Greenland: 463-464, 471
- Guyana: 3912
- Iceland: 1066
- Italy: 2725, 2725a
- Latvia: 633-637
- Macedonia: 352-353
- Malta: 1232
- Micronesia: 658
- Monaco: 2406
- Mongolia: 2587
- Nevis: 1456
- New Zealand: 2017-2021, 2021a
- Nigeria: 776
- Norway: 1451a
- Palau: 841
- Peru: 1482
- Romania: 4762a
- St. Helena: 887-893
- St. Vincent: 3452
- St. Vincent Grenadines (Bequia): 359
- St Vincent Grenadines (Union Island): 290
- Samoa: 1075-1078, 1078a
- Serbia & Montenegro (Serbia): 277, 318
- Serbia & Montenegro (Montenegro): 129
- Solomon Islands: 1001-1006, 1001c-1006c
- Spain: 3378
- Surinam: 1334-1336, 1336a
- Sweden: 2512, 2513a, 2513b, 2513e
- Tristan da Cunha: 789c, 789d
- Turkey: 2981-2986
- Uruguay: 2121-2122
- Wallis & Futuna Islands: 611-612.
If collecting all the stamps seems a bit much, you can focus on those from a single country, those that depict specific stamps, or select your own favorite category.
The American Topical Association (ATA), dedicated to stamp collectors that collect specific subjects depicted on stamps, sells lists of all the stamps ever issued on a wide variety of subjects. Visit its Web site for more information. Or check out the Web site of the Stamps on Stamps Collectors Club. Don’t forget eBay for buying stamps online. Locally, the Lincoln Stamp Show, Events, is held every February.
If you have helpful insights from your specialty to add to this Web site, let the Club know.